Are You an Eagle Stuck in a Chicken Coop?
It's Time to Fly! (My Story & a Book That Almost Didn't Get Published)
Let's talk about something important: your potential.
That feeling that you could do more, or that you were meant for something bigger.
This is especially true for founders, investors, mentors, or anyone dreaming of starting a business. Have you ever felt that pull inside you, like you're meant for a different path?
I see it often – smart, talented people who are playing it safe, staying comfortable, and feeling stuck. It's not that they can't do more, it's that they haven't chosen to.
So, ask yourself: Are you an eagle living as a chicken?
My Story: How This Book Almost Didn't Exist
Before we talk about how, let me share a bit about why I wrote this book. In 2005, I was teaching at Istanbul Technical University. I taught business and entrepreneurship to students.
It was the start of the startup scene in Turkiye. I was lucky to meet the founders of companies that became successful. I spent hours talking to them, learning their stories and how they dealt with problems. They became guest speakers in my classes, and I wrote down their stories. This was 22 years ago.
This experience also helped me start one of the first startup programs. It happened when I saw so much interest in a student startup competition. People were lined up outside the room to get in. This showed me that founders needed support, and that’s how Etohum started.
The book I'm sharing today - Kümesteki Kartal Neden Uçamaz? (Why Can't an Eagle Fly in the Coop?) - is based on these lectures and stories. It’s about my teaching and the early success stories of the Turkish startup community.
And, I have to say, it was a struggle to get this book published. It was very difficult to find a publisher interested in this topic back in 2005. Finally, a publisher took a chance and printed 2,000 copies but the book didn't become popular at all. Then, 12 years later, the publisher printed 10,000 more to give away with a magazine. I still think the main message is important, so I'm sharing it now with all of you who want to be founders.
Why So Many Founders Don’t Soar
We hear about startups that become big successes. But many never get started. Why? It’s often a mix of feeling unsure of yourself and feeling held back by others:
They get comfortable: It’s easier to do what you already know than to take risks.
They listen to the wrong voices: People say things like, "Don't do it," "It’s too risky," "Stay in your job," and "You might fail."
They don’t fully commit: They try a little here and there, but don’t go all in.
They lose focus: They try to do too much, instead of focusing on one thing.
The Eagle's Choice:
Imagine an eagle egg falling into a chicken farm. The chickens told it, "You can't fly, you're just a chicken." The eagle believed them and never tried. It watched other eagles fly, but stayed on the ground. It died thinking it was a chicken, not knowing it was born to soar.
This story is simple, but powerful. Are you letting the doubts of others define what you can do?
The 3F1P Plan to Soar
So, how do we become the “eagle” version of ourselves? We need a plan. Here’s what I’ve learned:
Focus ONE Business:
Take the leap: Take a chance, now.
Leave your day job: Go all in.
Stop side hustles: Put your energy into one thing.
Give it your all: It’s your dream, focus all your attention on it.
Focus ONE Product:
Master one thing: Become great at solving one specific problem.
Perfect one offering: Be the best at making one specific thing.
Be excellent: Focus on doing one thing well.
Be the expert: Become known for that one thing.
Focus ONE Market :
Serve one type of customer: Know your audience well.
Understand their problems: Find out what bothers them most.
Solve their biggest pain: Offer a solution that really helps.
Build real connections: Create loyal fans.
Persistence through the tough times:
Push through the bad times: Don't give up because of setbacks.
Every setback makes you stronger: Learn from challenges.
Learn from your mistakes: Use failures to improve.
Keep going for years: Success takes time.
Small wins add up: Growth builds up over time.
The Voices You'll Hear
You’ll probably hear these things:
"Play it safe."
"It's too risky."
"It's not the right time."
"You might fail."
"Stay in your job."
But deep inside, you know you’re meant for more. These voices try to hold you back.
Your Time to Fly Is Now
The world needs your ideas, your passion, and your ability to solve problems. You don’t have to be perfect, just start. Stay focused, and keep going.
Don’t look back a year from now wishing you had started today. It's time to fly.
What do you think? Have you felt like a "chicken" when you know you’re meant to be an "eagle"?
Share your thoughts below!
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