If you don't feel successful, it's because you lack clarity, not success.
And you are not alone.
You don't experience success because you don't understand success.
You are confused because the idea of success that’s been sold to you is wrong.
Success is not a destination, it's not found outside of you, and it's not binary.
Success is a journey, it's found within you, and it's fluid.
We love to polarize success because it makes it easier for the mind to grasp. But success is not all or nothing, black or white, "you have it" or "you don't have it".
Success is much more complex, nonlinear, and progressive.
There is success in everything, all the time, including in every failure or loss.
Success comes from the process, not the outcome.
It comes from the experience, not the conclusion.
It comes from the little milestones along the way.
It comes from turning forward and deciding to move ahead, not turning backward and deciding to evaluate.
When you run a marathon, you spend 1% of the time at kilometer 42 and 99% of the time in kilometers 1-42.
We are not successful individuals who occasionally fail. We are individuals who fail all the time and occasionally succeed.
To feel success, you have to stop searching for it and learn to recognize it.
If you search for success it automatically means you don't have it, whereas if you recognize success, it automatically means you are it.
So Inspiring