I had an eye-opening chat with Jason Fried on my podcast about startup funding. His perspective challenges everything most founders believe.
Controversial truth that needs to be said:
”Not all external money is worth taking.”
Here's the uncomfortable truth about funding:
The less money you take early, the stronger you'll be.
Why? Let's break it down:
1. The Independence Tax
You're now on someone else's timeline
External pressures drive decisions
Long-term vision gets compromised
= Lost autonomy you can't buy back
2. The Speed Trap
Pressure to show fast growth
Premature scaling kills
Forced to "go big or go home"
= Racing toward wrong goals
3. What Nobody Tells You
Investors want specific timeframes
Your timeline ≠ Their timeline
"Going fast" means spending big
= Misaligned incentives
4. What Actually Works:
✓ Build sustainable business first
✓ Stay independent longer
✓ Keep full control
✓ Choose your own path
= Power to build your way
The Reality Check:
Independence is your competitive advantage.
Money comes with invisible strings.
"The best funding round might be the one you don't take."
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